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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Emotional Life

My soul was restless for the 2 weeks prior to the last. I was greatly disturbed by comments made by people around me, coupled by past events and failures and I had this niggling fear over an issue regarding ministry. Personally, I was mentally tired (as usual), and I decided that it is the best time God wants me to seek him.

For 2 days, I dwell on 2 passages that struck me. For my personal issues, God has lead me back to James 1. For many days, I had confined with my fellow co-worker that I am tired and I wanted to quit. I was self-centered; I keep referring back to my own problems I facing at home, and keep lamenting about why good things happen to people who are ‘bad’ in my opinion, who do not seem to even care for the ministry, yet earn all the praises and recognition. These are external issues that eventually creep into my emotional and spiritual realms.

God helped me saw through the pride that was in me.

I quote this from the material that I am reading :
To stop trusting and start worrying, to cease ministry and start withdrawing to interrupt godliness and start selfishness, just because of my trials now , is the wrong course of action to take.

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