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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Shortcutting the Will of God

Scripture: Genesis 16:1-6

When you come to the Lord and ask Him to answer a particular prayer you have, when do you usually ask Him to do it? When you believe the Lord has promised you something, where and when do you look for it? Often times, we quickly turn to looking for God’s promises because them on our schedule, not God’s. But when it comes to God’s will, there are no shortcuts.

God’s plan for your life:

* Is motivated by His wisdom.
* Is motivated by His love.
* Involves His perfect timing.

What motivates us to get ahead of God?

* The intensity of our desire
* A feeling of need
* Wrong thinking
* Pressure from other people
* Impatience
* Doubtfulness
* Pride
* Selfishness
* Rationalization
* A wrong view of Who He is

The consequences of disobeying God’s will are:

* Disappointment
* Disharmony
* Missing out on God’s best.

When God makes a promise:

* Faith believes it
* Hope anticipates it
* Patience waits quietly for it

Isaiah 30:21 – “Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”


Walking in God’s will requires that we remain sensitive to God’s voice and the work of the Holy Spirit living within us. Because God loves us, He protects us from making mistakes when readily listen to Him

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