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Friday, September 7, 2007



Throughout the centuries, churches have lived out in many different forms the core biblical purposes of the spiritual life. Several years ago, in his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren framed those purposes into a system that has helped many pastors and church leaders focus the energies of their local churches. His book The Purpose Diven Life further develops those purposes for the individual.

The Lifetogether approach to small group ministry integrates the 5 biblical purposes of the church into all its products, its consulting, its coaching. Every activity, every strategy, every idea sits on top of the foundation of the 5 biblical purposes. Some churches may use other words to capture the concepts for each purpose, but it's important that all purposes be realized in the small group setting.

Connect (Fellowship)

We call this first biblical purpose "Connecting with God's Family." Also called "fellowship." Spiritual growth hinges upon a believer being connected to both God and his family. As it relates to small group ministry, we believe that members need to grow in their sense of belonging with others in the group. The small group must truly become family, authentic in relationships and support for one another.

Grow (Discipleship)

We use the phrase "Growing to Be Like Christ" to capture the essence of this purpose. Another word is good, old fashioned discipleship. For that to happen, people must grapple with the truths of Scripture. They must see how the Gospel makes a difference in their lives. It must lead to life change. Spiritual partnering is a fresh way to form accountability partners for discipleship. Small group members can cultivate a closer walk with God by simply discovering the "power of pairs."

Develop (Ministry)

"Developing Your Shape to Serve Others" is about unleashing small group members for ministry. Most want to know how God has uniquely shaped them for ministry. When the Holy Spirit transforms the heart of a seeker, he or she receives a capacity to serve others. Through the Lifetogether content is opportunities to make that desire a reality. Whether in the coaches training, the small group leader training, or the member curriculum—the Lifetogether strategy is help people identify their unique shape for ministry—and then to release it for service.

Share (Evangelism)

This purpose, "Sharing Your Life Mission," can freak some people out. It's a little scary. It's evangelism. Many skip over this purpose. It can feel relationally awkward or simply too much work. Yet one's life or one's small group isn't fully functional without this critical component. Lifetogether helps small groups implement evangelism into their water system through small steps. Sometimes it's simply prayer for a friend. Other times it might be encouraging a group member to bring over a meal to a neighbor who is going through a divorce. God calls all of us to reach out a hand to people who don't know him. A small group can make evangelism less scary and break done the process into small, doable actions.

Surrender (Worship)

"Surrendering Your Life for God's Pleasure" is one of the most powerful ways to help every small group member to open their hearts by opening their palms to God. A surrendered heart, worship, pleases God most. Through listening to worship CDs, singing together, reading psalms—a small group can live out this core biblical purpose. Worship focuses the group upward, in praise and thanksgiving, to the God the Creator and Sustainer of life. It's tranformational.

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