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Monday, November 26, 2007

Facing Our Loneliness, Part 1

Facing Our Loneliness, Part 1
by Charles F. Stanley

I. Introduction: God created us to be intimately connected to Him. He also designed us to need relationships with people. Yet so many people feel isolated from others, and unable to escape powerful feelings of loneliness. What causes a life of loneliness and what devastation does it bring if left unchecked?

II. Loneliness in the Life of a Believer

A. Loneliness defined: separation anxiety caused by feeling disconnected.

Scripture: Psalm 25:12-18

Loneliness is primarily a spiritual problem. It begins with feeling disconnected from God.
Solitude, on the other hand, is being alone by choice. We all need time alone to be re-energized and develop our intimate relationship with God.
Where did loneliness begin? Adam and Eve sinned and lost their perfect harmony with each other and with God. When we choose to rebel against God, we separate ourselves from fellowship with Him.
B. Where does the feeling of loneliness come from?

Death of a loved one
Feeling condemned by God
Feeling unworthy or unwanted
Having no one to share life with
Isolation in childhood (Dr. Stanley’s own childhood was lonely)
C. What are some roles that can cause people to feel lonely?

The president of a corporation
Retirees who no longer have a network of co-workers
D. What are the consequences of loneliness in a person’s life?

Moral. They do things a loved person doesn’t do to get love or attention.
Financial. They spent to fill the void in their lives.
Weight gain. They may eat to comfort themselves.
Relationships. They feel so detached they can’t reach out to others.
Mental. They can’t be as creative or productive.
Lack of energy. They don’t have the energy that comes from a healthy connection with other people.
E. What does loneliness drive a person to do?

Abuse drugs
Amuse themselves with television or the internet
Have an affair
Commit suicide
III. Closing: What is the cure for loneliness? We will address that more in part 2, but it begins with being reconciled to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. As you get right with Him through confession, and placing your trust in Him, He will rescue you from loneliness.

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