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Monday, November 26, 2007

Facing Our Loneliness, Part 2

by Charles F. Stanley

A. Introduction: As followers of Jesus Christ, we may feel lonely from time to time. How can we escape loneliness and reach out to God and other people?

Definition of loneliness: a feeling of separation anxiety that results when we feel disconnected from somebody. Loneliness itself is not a sin but it can lead to sinful behavior.

B. How do we overcome loneliness?

1. Recognize that you are lonely.

Some people feel that loneliness is a sign of weakness or fear that others will label them.
People who feel unworthy often have a difficult time making friends because they give off signals that make them more likely to be rejected.
2. Reconcile yourself to God.

After Adam and Eve sinned, all of humankind has been disconnected from God.
Jesus came to reconcile us to God (2 Cor. 5:18-19; Col. 1:19-22).
You will never overcome loneliness until you reconnect to the Father through Jesus Christ.
Loneliness drives some people into immorality, dishonesty, and ungodly relationships.
3. Recall the promises of God.

Psalm 23—God is with you, even in the valley of the shadow of death.
John 15—Jesus abides in us, and helps us bear fruit.
Hebrews 13:5—God will never leave us.
Romans 8:35—Nothing can separate us from the love of God
John 16:32—Jesus knew Father was always with Him, even when all His disciples deserted him.
When you feel really lonely, claim the promises of God, which are ammunition against Satan’s lies.
Don’t go by what you feel, but by God’s truth.
4. Reach out and develop relationships.

Be sure to select godly people to pursue. In the end, ungodly relationships make loneliness worse.
Look for someone with whom you can laugh, pray with, share secrets with, and who will understand you.
Build a relationship that is an extension of God’s presence and not a replacement for it.
No person can meet all your needs, not even a spouse. If you try to depend on someone too much, he or she will pull away, leaving you feeling even lonelier.
5. Refocus your attention.

Loneliness makes us self-centered; pull out of it by seeking to bless another person.
Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Example: The night before His crucifixion, He selflessly cared for the needs of His disciples.
If you are lonely, one of the best things you can do is to encourage or help another person.
C. Conclusion: Are you attacked by feelings of intense loneliness? If you will put these five steps into practice, God will help escape isolation. As a believer in Jesus, it simply doesn’t fit who you are.

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