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Monday, December 24, 2007

Anachronisms: The movie shows a field of maize-corn in a Nazareth farming scene. Maize-corn is native to Mesoamerica. It was grown only in the Americas until the late 15th century.

Continuity: King Herod steps out on rampart in Jerusalem during one scene and a large expanse of the city can be seen (as matte painting) in background. During another scene, he steps out on same location and city background is missing (sky background instead).

Continuity: In the beginning when the King's son is saying the prophecy will end tonight the son is on the right. A year later in the movie when that scene was being played again he was on the King's left.

Anachronisms: In the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem the columns are Corinthian, which was first used in Ancient Greece in 429 B.C. while the second Temple of Solomon (the one in the film) was completed in 515 B.C.

Factual errors: When Baby Jesus is born, he doesn't have an umbilical cord.

Factual errors: Many times the Romans soldiers were shown with beards or shabby facial hair, the Romans at this time considered body hair to be barbaric, and therefore it was forbidden.

Factual errors: Although Nativity Scenes often include the Three Wise Men at the birth of Christ, they in fact did not find Jesus until he was closer to 2 years

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