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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Though a prophet of God, JOnah exhibited the characteristics that are at the heart of a rebellious spirit: pride and self-fishness. WHen questioned by the sailors, Jonah proudly announced to the sailors his nationality and the greatness of his God. Yet his pride in God and country seem to have become a matter of selfish pride for this prophet. Jonah's self-centeredness is shown by his willingness to deny the Ninevites the same mercy from God that he himself received in the belly of the great fish.

Whether the surface motivation for turning away from God is lust or greed, patriotism or dedication to an ideal, at the bottom of it lies self-centered pride. Pride tells us that we know better than God what is right for us and others. Selfishness insists that we get our own way , regardless of what God desires for us. Only humility before God and faithful response to His will are certain defenses against a spirit of rebellion establishing a foothold in our hearts.

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