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Saturday, February 16, 2008

When God Is Silent

by Charles F. Stanley

Scripture: John 11:1-15

I. Introduction: Have you ever felt that God was giving you the “silent treatment”? What is the Lord’s purpose for not immediately answering prayer? How should you respond when God seems distant?

II. Message

A. Examples of God’s Silence

Mary and Martha and their sick brother Lazarus (John 11)
400 years of silence between the testaments
Silence in heaven (Rev. 8:1)
Dr. Stanley, who needed direction in his senior year of college
B. Why is God sometimes silent?

To get our attention
To convict us of unconfessed sin
Because we aren’t ready to listen
To teach us to trust Him (Hebrews 13:5 teaches that even if we can’t see Him working, He’s with us.)
To help us learn to distinguish between His voice and other voices (e.g.—Dr. Stanley saw sheep in the Holy Land who knew their shepherd’s voice.)
To motivate us to persevere until we experience a breakthrough
To teach us to simply sit quietly in His presence
C. How do we respond to God’s silence?

Doubt (e.g.—Dr. Stanley’s doctor didn’t believe in God but cried out in desperation for help.)
Guilt (Some people fear that they have sinned.)
Fear (Some Christians feel deserted by God or worry that they have lost their salvation.)
D. How should we respond to God’s silence?

Ask God why. Jesus questioned the Father (Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34).
Remember that God’s silence doesn’t mean He’s inactive.
Trust Him. In His silence, He is working for good in your life (Ps. 46:10; 138:8).
Anticipate a more intimate relationship with Him.
Respect God’s right to be silent. Deliberately set aside time to be quiet before Him.
Read God’s Word, and tell Him you are available to listen.
Keep praying. Eventually, you will have a breakthrough.
III. Closing: Through times of silence, God convicts us of sin, develops our trust in Him, and matures us. When the Father seems distant, faithfully seek Him and watch for His provision.

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