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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

check out my new style

well.... i was talking to kai when i took this pic on my mac....

here's the list of reasons why i cut my hair like this

1. i need time to rethink about life... this cut reminds me that i am undergoing thru a period of thinking and rethinking
2. i sinned, and i read Job and then i cut my hair
3. i didn't get the girl i want
4. i am preparing to go DB
5. i need to clear my dandruff
6. i want to relive my recruit days before i ORD
7. i have nothing better to do
8. i seek attention
9. i am depressed
10. it gives me a more aggressive look... (proven... nobody dare to touch me when i sounded more serious with the cut)
11. i want to feel the wind
12. i just wanna do something silly before i start work
13. it is anti-culture... bald means you are in a nazi thing or something ... haha... it means grievance .... it signifies a hidden agenda... but honestly... no ... i am not like that...
14. i want to look like zidane... well he got the fierce look when he headbutted that italian
15. too stressed out by my vocation
16. any mixture of the above points

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