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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spiritual Gifts Evaluation - Results

Here are the results from your evaluation!

Click on the name of any gift for a detailed description of the typical traits and characteristics associated with that gift. They are provided not as an exclusive description, but as a means of helping you better understand or confirm your spiritual gifts. If you feel that a particular category does not closely describe you, review the characteristics of your second spiritual gift; it may be a better match.

Each gift score is out of a total possible of 12.

Faith 12
Evangelism 12
Pastor 12
Giving 11
Word of Knowledge 11
Teaching 11
Intercession 10
Service 10
Exhortation 9
Healing 9
Leadership 9
Miracle Working 9
Administration 8
Helps 8
Discernment 8
Word of Wisdom 8
Missionary 7
Mercy 7
Martyrdom 7
Apostleship 7
Hospitality 7
Celibacy 7
Words of Prophecy 7
Interpretation of Tongues 1
Gift of Tongues 1

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