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Monday, August 18, 2008

Reflection: Monday Blues

As i think thru over the weekend, i listened to a couple of sermons... and along with the passages that i come across in daily readings... 'Presumptiously ' came up prominently from Nehemiah 9.

Here's how i define presumption in christian terms. it sounds like this : "i know better... my way is the right way... all of you rest are wrong.. " "who are you to lead me, i am a better leader than you..." "this cannot be God's way, it is MY way..."
i reduce presumption to another realm : immaturity, coupled with the complaining , condemning, harsh criticism , comparing spirit. it is wrap up along with the sins found in Eden: Independence from God (Who are you to lead me? i can lead myself! i know better!) and Insubordination or In-submission ( since i know better, why should i allow myself to be led by you. It is the voice of Satan..

This is a problem with a consumeristic discipleship : " i lost the joy coming to CG?" - so my respond would be : did u lose the 'joy' on your terms? or on God's terms? i would reinterpret that statement as " i come to CG to be entertained" . " i come to CG in order to receive what i like to hear... messages that fit into my agenda, not God's agenda forcing His way thru " so we only agree with people who speaks the same voice as us? No wonder people are queuing up to go listen to some false prophet at Suntec every sunday. *hint hint...

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