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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Isaiah 43:1—44:5: Rivers in the Desert

HOW DO YOU feel when you hear the words "I love you"? We should not be ashamed to express these feelings. But many of us have never, or seldom, heard these words. And sometimes, like a radio signal cluttered with static, the true meaning of the words is distorted by their overuse in countless songs, books and movies. In this passage we will hear these words afresh so that we can be made abundantly sure of God's love for us personally.

Warming Up to God
On what do you base your sense of self-worth?

Read Isaiah 43:1—44:5. »
Discovering the Word
Pick out the verbs in 43:1-7 of which God is the subject and God's people (Israel and her descendants) are the object.
Israel is called to an international assembly of idol-worshipers and their idols in 43:8-13. To what does the Lord call Israel to witness?
What would the significance of 43:16-17 have been for the Israelites (see Ex 14:21-22)?
In 43:22-24 we see Israel's slavish religiosity, which does not please God. What promise does God repeat to his people (43:25)?
Just as the "but now" of 43:1 shines brightly against the dark background of 42:18-25, the "but now" of 44:1 shines brightly against the dark background of 43:22-28. God's patience has not expired. What does he promise his people in 44:1-5?
Applying the Word
How do you feel about being the object of the loving statements in 43:1-7?
We read in 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing." God is a transforming, re-creative God. He is the One who makes all things new (Rev 21:5). He is the One who brings into existence things that did not exist (Rom 4:17). What new thing do you need to look, with expectant faith, for God to do for you?
Responding in Prayer
Allow the words of 43:2 to be a personal encouragement to you from the Lord as you go to him in prayer.

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