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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

looking out for gems in life

sometimes, once in a while, God challenged me to look beyond the circumstances. to look beyond the faces. and He challenged me to do the things i don't want to do at first; or to do in a direction i never thought i would go.

For example : books. Last night there was a counter for 'good' books: the JI Packers, Eugene Petersons, and Richard Fosters. I only took a quick glance since knowing most of the books on display there. then there was another counter : the unwanted , heavily- disconted , all-out-clearance section. and guess what? i found the book that i couldn't find in other stores: eg. Michael Chang's autobiography - and in hard cover somemore. i bought 2 other books last nite. sometimes , you got to give the unwanted section a chance. you never know who you meet, or what you find.

we clutter for glamour. we pay attention to the most-prized assets and top intellects. but we never stopped and appreciate ordinary , mostly ignored aspects of life. be it people or circumstance. the highs and lows of the lesser paid folks never find the spotlight . the highs and lows of wall street finds its way to the front page of any newspaper. and in an unknowing way, we do desire in some ways , to experience the 'wall-street' experience rather than a more calm , slow , ordinary life.

to walk the road no one fancies. you never know what you will find.

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