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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Prayer Keynote

1. Why must we pray?

there are many reasons why we should pray. i like to streamline it

2 weeks ago , i was nearly knocked down by a motorbike. i broke 7 eggs and a packet of bee hoon in the process ... so whatever i say to you today is borrowed from God.... my lesson learnt is not to listen to ipod and Jaywalk.

i. Prayer is about God
his presence. his glory . talking to God, knowing his will, hearing and doing his will here! we dont say' hi dad, bye dad, where's my pocket money dad? to our earthly fathers. what more with our heavenly father? knowing his heart.

Prayer dont change God, prayer changes us!

ii. Prayer is about you! Your transformation . Your growth.
- transformation Eph 3
many times we walked around wanting to do something , but without the conviction... so God wants to transform us first before transforming other people.

this journey of prayer will take your growth to another level. how can i start? what can i do to see change? how can i see my personal ministry grow? how can i see my ministry grow? you may ask. well, come with what you have, better still come empty. Matt 14-> the disciples wanted to send the crowds away, but Jesus said: you give them something you eat. They only have 5 loaves and 2 fish... they bring whatever they have, and jesus fed the 5,000 and they learn something about God that they never know. it brings forth a greater blessing. come with what you have , and let God do the rest.

we don't need you to join VCF-CCC-Nav, we are not here for recruitment, we just ask for your 30 mins a week in school to intercede for yourself, for your frens, for the school.

- we are your mon- sat!

iii. Prayer is about the community
- God wants bless you to be a blessing!
this is a chance to be a blessing for the school! it is once in a lifetime.
- Esther's example ?
there's a very special bunch of people in Esther who prayed...
we dont have to wait for a crisis to come before we start praying. i usually ask for a word from God before i pray for a person. one of those verses that keep coming back is Matt 11 :28... i know that some of you here are hurting and carrying burderns. i like to give you an opportunity to lay down your burdens before the Lord today.

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