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Friday, December 5, 2008

Proverbs 27:2

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
a stranger, and not your own lips. (ESV)

Don't brag about yourself--
let others praise you. (CEV)

Don't call attention to yourself;
let others do that for you. (Message)

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
someone else, and not your own lips. (NIV)

it cannot strike home clearer for me... if i need to re-affirm some things about myself and not be too proud about it, then i have to wait till the right time when others bestow that honour unto me. I should not, and most honestly, MUST not brag about myself and my achievements. Others see my strength, others see my weakness too. I just have to accept both. This girl who sits opposite me thought that i had worked for a long time in the banking field. She was very surprised when i told her this is my first job. haha. i treat it as a compliment. The reality is right now, i dont even know what will happen at the end of 23 Dec: will i continue in this bank? i dont even know. They are retrenching ppl. that is all i know. but well, it is time to trust in God.... if i stay , praise God; if i dont stay; praise God too! cos he wants me to rest and stay away from the maddening crowd. And i can read all the books that i want to read... hehe...

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