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Friday, June 8, 2007

Connecting by Larry Crabb

i just finish reading this book... i learn a lot from this one... will reread many parts again and again.. it is the right book for me in this season.. God must have planned for me to read this in my darkest hour at home! i now start recalling all the problems i had in the past now blossoms for a reason... problems in my youth, school problems, disappointment with YFC, disappointment with Church, failure in music, poor grades in uni, why these things happen to my mum and dad... everything good and bad... it all sums up what is going thru now... now i really want to pour out this life to others... i really want to be a reflection of jesus when i talk to other ppl, when i minister to ppl.... i wan to do my best for my 'kids' , my cg in bizad and in church... and of cos at home.. for my mum and dad! Thank God.. everything in life happens for a reason... just that i cant see or understand it now... i will one day! when i go back to my HOME!

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