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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Without the practice of submission, the following is true:

1. I won't get my needs met. Therefore i will live as a needy person trying to fill the holes in my life. All events, good or bad, will be about me and what i need.

2. I will lack humility. Therefore, God cannot bless me.

3. I will shut out others from loving me. Therefore, I will live a life of isolation with an undeveloped character.

These three traits are part of the high cost of non-discipleship.

1 comment:

The Scott said...

The problem is too many church leaders are really wolves in sheep's clothing and others are brain washed. In reality Church discipleship has just become a tool of the Freemasons to load Christians down with false-guilt, chasing false-righteousness all based on false-teaching. For example:

Challenging youth to wait until they are an adult for sexual activity is one thing. Scaring the heck out of them and telling them a condom is a provision for sin is a public health nightmare. Even the Lovers in the Song of Solomon had sex in Chapter 2 then got married in Chapter 3. The kind of ignorance Church leaders show about this kind of in-your-face premarital sex within the Bible itself has gone on too long and I'm calling it out. If you want to know more check my website. It's less expensive than a Purity Ring and a lot more fun than abstinence.

-The Scott