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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jeremiah 22:24-30: None of Jehoiachin's Line to Rule?

Did Jesus the Messiah come from Jehoiachin's line? If so, how could he claim the throne of David through a line cursed by God?

According to 1 Chronicles 3:16-17, Jehoiachin had seven descendants. These, however, were hauled off into Babylon and there, according to an archaeological finding on a Babylonian tablet in the famous Ishtar Gate, all seven were made eunuchs. In this manner, Jehoiachin became "as if childless," as no man of his seed prospered, nor did any sit on David's throne.

David's line through his son Solomon abruptly ended. However, the line of David did continue through one of Solomon's brothers, Nathan (not to be confused with Nathan the prophet).

By the best reconstructions possible from the evidence on hand, Jehoiachin adopted the seven sons of Neri, a descendant of David through Nathan. Neri's son Shealtiel died childless and so his brother Pedaiah performed the duty of levirate marriage (Deut 25:5-10), and as a result Zerubbabel was born.

Accordingly, Zerubbabel, the postexilic governor of Judah during the days of Haggai and Zechariah, was the legal son of Shealtiel, the actual son of Pedaiah, and thus the descendant of David on two counts. First Chronicles 3:19 informs us that Zerubbabel was the son of Pedaiah, brother of Shealtiel. Luke's genealogy states that Shealtiel was a descendant of Neri (Lk 3:27).

We conclude, therefore, that Jehoiachin's line did come to an end and that God in his wisdom provided for another branch of David's line to continue the promise made to David which led to the coming of Christ the Messiah.

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