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Friday, February 8, 2008

where i am

from the start... i dont have a home... i am a wanderer who is finding a home
i am a beggar in a way...
so to be here where i am
i am happy to be where i am now
it doesnt matter if i am treated 3rd class citizen here
better to be 3rd class than no class
what was suppose to be my home has not provided for what i truly need
and when i decide to move, i found what i truly need and long for
i am not grumbling
i am just thankful for where i am
i will fully submit to the cause and fight
no more complains
it would have been worse to bring my past hurts and experience into my new home
i rather not been given any roles here... than to destroy what was to be something great or special
to be given a key role to play is not my call... it is the call from above...
i am happy to occupy any roles that my boss give me in this new home...
to be an agent of grace , not an agent of destruction...

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