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Friday, May 23, 2008

Enhakkore -
("fount of him who cried".) (See LEHI.) It burst out at Samson's, cry, when athirst after slaying a thousand Philistines with a donkey's jawbone (Judges 15:19; Psalm 34:6). As the rocky precipice was named Lehi, "the jawbone," so the hollow place in the rock was named Maktesh, "the tooth hollow." Samson cried to Jehovah ("God of grace"), and Elohim ("God of nature") split the hollow place at Lehi, so that water came out of it, as at Horeb and Kadesh (Exodus 17:6; Numbers 20:8; Numbers 20:11), and the fountain was called "the fount of him who cried in Lehi."

Lehi -
Judges 15:9; Judges 15:14; Judges 15:19 (where translated "in Lehi"), Hebrew "the Lehi." frontEN HAKKORE, "the spring"; Ramath Lehi was the eminence.) Lihiy strictly is the Hebrew for "jawbone"; LEHI the name of the place. God did not make water to flow out of the tooth socket of the jawbone which Samson threw away, to slake his thirst, but "cleft an hollow place (maqtesh; Zephaniah 1:11) in Lehi," from whence" water" miraculously "came out." In Judah, between Philistia and the cliff Etam, now Beit Likiyeh, a village on the northern side of the wady Suleiman; at the entrance of the hill country of Judah, the outermost stronghold toward the S.

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