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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

3 books i have read so far this year....

I finished this one quite fast... hmm ... i read it at the beginning of the year... i like the cute idea of a hamster running in circles... cos most of us are like that... the author is another really messed up story... and she propagates grace without much boundaries.... (which is the thing that stays in my mind). The kind of grace that she mentions is very easily abused by just about anyone... and this grace that she sells, i have to say is cheap- cos this grace dont change lives. Of cos... that idea stayed for a portion... and she got some other pts right... hmmm... a so-so read... (at least i give unknown authors a chance)... oh... by the way, she works under John Ortberg ...

i have been wanting to read this oddly titled book for a very long time... it is essentially about community... this is my first John Ortberg's book ( since i heard so much about him thru others)... and he is good... nothing new i gained from this book... but all the chapters spoke about the things that i say amen to in my heart... community is key to many other areas of the Christian life... and he GOT it... (well most ppl DON'T get it... and that is why some church don't grow , right?) Forgiveness in the community, authenticity in relationships... mostly all covered... and all written in loving languages and stories... can see why he is employed by bill hybels for willow creek (now i start to see that all 3 books are written in the same realm) . i would recommend this book to those who longs for connecting communities.

you may be surprised... yes! this is my first bill hybels book as well!!! hahaha... simple , straight forward... covers most grounds right ( in fact nothing i disagree) in fact ,i did practised some of the things he mentioned (such as writing down your prayers) the chapter about NOT looking at mountains and NOT relying on own your strength is WOW!!! a good read for busy people...

i have yet actually complete any of the 6 books i set out to read... well... hmmm... perhaps it is time... hahaha... i have another 6 months to go before the year end... yea...

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